

The lower pressure roller refers to the component in the fuser unit that cooperates with the upper fuser roller to apply pressure to the printing media of the fuser unit to ensure that the melted flour penetrates the paper, thereby achieving the fixing effect.
  • Roller tekanan handap pikeun xerox dc450I

    Roller tekanan handap pikeun xerox dc450I

    Dianggo dina: Xerox DC450i 5500 4070 5550 850

    Ukuran Paket: 42cm * 13cm * 14cm
    Beurat kasar: 1kg

    Kami nyayogikeun produk kualitas anu langkung saé sareng kinerja anu saé sareng reputasi anu saé, sareng DC450i parantos diekspor ka daérah sareng di Éropa, Amérika Alus, Amérika Alard, sareng Asia Tengger, Asia Tenggara.

    Ngarepkeun gawé bareng sareng anjeun.